Digital Inclusive design solutions


” For people who are blind or visually-impaired, wayfinding in built environments presents challenges. More and more, however, wayfinding technology for visually-impaired people is being developed that goes above and beyond simply modifying existing solutions. Rather, the new assistive technologies are based on the concept of asking what visually-impaired people need in order to facilitate wayfinding and then developing solutions that serve those needs.”

I found this company; who have created many different ‘digital solutions’ to improve wayfinding for the visually impaired, however is something which needs to be powered a very environmental solution? What are the financial running costs, and initial investment needed to roll these ‘solutions’ throughout a university building?

It also poses a much more serious question; what happens if the power was to go down, especially during a time of need such as a fire or earthquake (not only thinking about the UK, but a much wider context)?

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